Due to the Swedish Public Health Agency's recommendations regarding high volume, there is a general age limit at our concerts. As organizers, we are obliged to follow this according to the Environmental Administration. The age limit is 13 years, and also applies in the company of a parent. Exceptions are made at events specifically aimed at children. Higher age limits occur at venues where there is an alcohol permit.
Many people wonder why you as a parent are not allowed to take responsibility for your child's hearing at a concert, for example by providing the child with hearing protection. The purpose of the Swedish Public Health Agency's general advice is to protect the hearing of all children - regardless of whether they have parents who are aware of how to protect themselves against loud noises or not. It is the organizer's responsibility that the sound environment and sound levels do not damage the visitor's hearing. According to the law, this responsibility does not lie with the customer or the visitor. According to the law (Environmental Code), it is therefore not possible for an organizer to transfer the responsibility to the visitor.