All questions about tickets and booking options are directed to the ticket seller.
If you don't know which ticket retailer to contact, there is information about the ticket retailer on the ticket, or below.
If it applies to events at Avicii Arena, Tele2 Arena, Annexet or Hovet - contact AXS on phone 0770-33 75 00 (workdays from 9 am to 12 pm) or here.
Does it apply to events at, for example, Friends Arena, Ullevi, Scandinavium, Malmö Arena - contact Ticketmaster on phone 077 170 70 70 or here.
You will find further information about your event on our website. On each event page, we always link to the current ticket retailer or to the organizer's website.
Phone numbers:
Sthlm live 08-600 91 00
Tickster 0771-47 70 70
Nortic 0455-61 97 00
Tix 031-386 32 99
Wheelchairs and accessibility
Axs 08-446 852 39
Ticketmaster 0776-70 77 77